Will AI replace humans? No, but …

Will AI replace humans? No, but …

In the ever-evolving landscape of software development, AI code assistants have become indispensable tools, streamlining tasks and offering crucial support. However, it’s essential to emphasize that these tools, including large language models (LLMs) like K-Explorer, GitHub Copilot, Tabnine, CodiumAI, and ChatGPT, spark the inevitable question: “Will AI replace humans?” These tools have become indispensable for streamlining tasks and providing crucial support to developers. However, it is imperative to assert that, despite their prowess, AI code assistants do not supplant the irreplaceable role of human developers.

Why AI is good for devs

As technology advances, the question of “Will AI replace humans?” becomes relevant. AI, while proficient in certain tasks, faces challenges in adapting to novel scenarios and lacks the nuanced thinking inherent to humans. Soft skills such as collaboration and communication remain distinctly human strengths, crucial for navigating complex coding projects.

The onboarding process for developers is a critical phase, and AI code assistants play a supportive role, offering coding suggestions and generating snippets. For instance, K-Explorer emphasizes the paramount importance of understanding the codebase, especially in large organizations with diverse coding practices. These AI tools assist in navigating codebases, providing insights into feature implementations and enhancing overall code consistency.

The high turnover rates in the software development industry further accentuate the significance of AI code assistants. Anticipating a 20% turnover rate for software developers, these tools mitigate productivity losses associated with onboarding new team members. AI aids in bridging knowledge gaps, ensuring smoother transitions, and ultimately reducing organizational losses.

Human replacement?

The pivotal question — “Will AI replace humans?” — leads us to a nuanced understanding. AI code assistants significantly contribute to coding efficiency but are not substitutes for human developers. They serve as powerful allies, enhancing productivity and expediting task completion. Human developers leverage these tools strategically, focusing on complex problem-solving, creativity, and collaboration, where AI currently falls short.

If you’re interested you can read my other article on “The problem with developers’ onboarding process… it’s outdated!


In conclusion, AI code assistants are integral to modern development workflows, offering invaluable support to human developers. Recognizing the strengths and limitations of these tools is key. Creating a collaborative environment where humans and AI work synergistically ensures optimal results. The question isn’t about replacement but about smart collaboration for the future of software development.

About Author

Tiago Marques

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